Elixir 1.2 introduced a new expression type, with. It’s so new that the syntax highlighter I use in this blog doesn’t know about it.

with is a bit like let in other functional languages, in that it defines a local scope for variables. This means you can write something like

owner = "Jill"

with name  = "/etc/passwd",
     stat  = File.stat!(name),
     owner = stat.uid,
     IO.puts "#{name} is owned by user ##{owner}"

IO.puts "And #{owner} is still Jill"

The with expression has two parts. The first is a list of expressions; the second is a do block. The inital expressions are evaluated in turn, and then the code in the do block is evaluated. Any variables introduced inside a with are local to that with. The the case of the example code, this means that the line owner = stat.uid will create a new variable, and not change the binding of the variable of the same name in the outer scope.

On its own, this is a big win, as it lets us break apart complex function call sequences that aren’t amenable to a pipeline. Basically, we get temporary variables. And this makes reading code a lot more fun.

For example, here’s some code I wrote a year ago. It handles the command-line options for the Earmark markdown parser:

defp parse_args(argv) do
  switches = [
    help: :boolean,
    version: :boolean,
  aliases = [
    h: :help,
    v: :version

  parse = OptionParser.parse(argv, switches: switches, aliases: aliases)

  case parse do

  { [ {switch, true } ],  _,  _ } -> switch
  { _, [ filename ], _     } -> open_file(filename)
  { _, [ ],          _ }     -> :stdio
    _                        -> :help

Quick! Scan this and decide how many times the switches variable is used in the function. You have to stop and parse the code to find out. And given the ugly case expression at the end, that isn’t trivial.

Here’s how I’d have written this code this morning:

defp parse_args(argv) do
  parse =
    with switches = [ help: :boolean, version: :boolean ],
         aliases  = [ h: :help, v: :version ],
         OptionParser.parse(argv, switches: switches, aliases: aliases)

  case parse do
    { [ {switch, true } ],  _,  _ } -> switch
    { _, [ filename ], _     }      -> open_file(filename)
    { _, [ ],          _ }          -> :stdio
      _                             -> :help

Now the scope of the switches and aliases is explicit—we know that can’t be used in the case.

There’s still the parse variable, though. We could handle this with a nested with, but that would proably make our function harder to read. Instead, I think I’d refactor this into two helper functions:

defp parse_args(argv) do
  |> parse_into_options
  |> options_to_values

defp parse_into_options(argv) do
  with switches = [ help: :boolean, version: :boolean ],
       aliases  = [ h: :help, v: :version ],
       OptionParser.parse(argv, switches: switches, aliases: aliases)

defp options_to_values(options) do
  case options do
    { [ {switch, true } ],  _,  _ } -> switch
    { _, [ filename ], _     }      -> open_file(filename)
    { _, [ ],          _ }          -> :stdio
      _                             -> :help

Much better: easier to read, easier to test, and easier to change.

Now, at this point you might be wondering why I left the with expression in the parse_into_options function. A good question, and one I’ll ty to answer after looking at the second use of with.

with and Pattern Matching

The previous section parsed command line arguments. Let’s change it up (slightly) and look at validating options passed between functions.

I’m in the middle of writing an Elixir interface to GitLab, the open source GitHub contender. It’s a simple but wide JSON REST API, with dozens, if not hundreds of available calls. And most of these calls take a set of named parameters, some required and some optional. For example, the API to create a user has four required parameters (email, name, password, and username) along with a bunch of optional ones (bio, Skype and Twitter handles, and so on).

I wanted my interface code to validate that the parameters passed to it met the GitLab API spec, so I wrote a simple option checking library. Here’s some idea of how it could be used:

@create_options_spec %{
  required: MapSet.new([ :email, :name, :password, :username ]),
  optional: MapSet.new([ :admin, :bio, :can_create_group, :confirm,
                         :extern_uid, :linkedin, :projects_limit,
                         :provider, :skype, :twitter, :website_url ])

def create_user(options) do
  { :ok, full_options } = Options.check(options, @create_options_spec)
  API.post("users", full_options)

The options specification is a Map with two keys, :required and optional. We pass it to Options.check which validates that the options passed to the API contains all required values and any additional values are in the optional set.

Here’s a first implementation of the option checker:

def check(given, spec) when is_list(given) do
  with keys = given |> Dict.keys |> MapSet.new,
       if opts_required(keys, spec) == :ok && opts_optional(keys, spec) == :ok do
         { :ok, given }

We extract the keys from the options we are given, then call two helper methods to verify that all required values are there and that any other keys are in the optional list. These both return :ok if their checks pass, {:error, msg} otherwise.

Although this code works, we sacrificed the error messages to keep it compact. If either checking function fails to return :ok, we bail and return :error.

This is where with shines. In the list of expressions between the with and the do we can use <-, the new conditional pattern match operator.

def check(given, spec) when is_list(given) do
  with keys = given |> Dict.keys |> MapSet.new,
       :ok <- opts_required(keys, spec),
       :ok <- opts_optional(keys, spec),
       { :ok, given }

The <- operator does a pattern match, just like =. If the match succeeds, then the effect of the two is identical—variables on the left are bound to values if necessary, and execution continues.

= and <- diverge if the match fails. The = operator will raise and exception. But <- does something sneaky: it terminates the execution of the with expression, but doesn’t raise an exception. Instead the with returns the value that couldn’t be matched.

In our option checker, this means that if both the required and optional checks return :ok, we fall through and the with returns the {:ok, given} tuple.

But if either fails, it will return {:error, msg}. As the <- operator won’t match, the with clause will exist early. Its value will be the error tuple, and so that’s what the function returns.

The Point, Labored

The new with expression gives you two great features in one tidy package: lexical scoping and early exit on failure.

It makes your code better.

Use it.

A lot.

Here’s Where I Differ with José

Johnny Winn interviewed José for the Elixir Fountain podcast a few weeks ago.

The discussion turned to the new features of Elixir 1.2, and José described with. At the end, he somewhat downplayed it, saying you rarely needed it, but when you did it was invaluable. He mentioned that there were perhaps just a couple of times it was used in the Elixir source.

I think that with is more than that. You rarely need it, but you’d often benefit from using it. In fact, I’m am experimenting with using it every time I create a function-level local variable.

What I’m finding is that this discipline drives me to create simpler, single-purpose functions. If I have a function where I can’t easily encapsulate a local within a with, then I spend a moment thinking about splitting it into two. And that split almost always improves my code.

So that’s why I left the with in the parse_into_options function earlier.

defp parse_into_options(argv) do
  with switches = [ help: :boolean, version: :boolean ],
       aliases  = [ h: :help, v: :version ],
       OptionParser.parse(argv, switches: switches, aliases: aliases)

It isn’t needed, but I like the way it delineates the two parts of the function, making it clear what is incidental and what is core. In my head, it has a narrative structure that simple linear code lacks.

This is just unfounded opinion. But you might want to experiment with the technique foe a few weeks to see how it works for you.

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